Browse Items (262 total)

Mrs. Burham getting into wheel chair.

Mrs. Burham by wheel chair.

Mrs. Burham using her crutches to get up.

Mrs. Burham bending down to get crutches.

Mrs. Ruth Helen Burnham crawling towards crutches.

Through physical therapy that is tough and realistic, Mrs. Ruth Helen Barnham, a paraplegic, learns how to walk again. Several times a day, she lets go of her crutches, falls headlong on a mat. Then slowly and painfully she starts the difficult…

Man trying to get away from policeman swings at photographer trying to take his picture.

Nurse midwife Callen' first nourishment in 27 hours. Nurse Callen standing in the doorway drinking a bottle of pop.

Nurse midwife Callen donates dresses to children.

Nurse midwife Callen' clinic in church.