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The seperation is complete in this teashop in Kotri, Pakistan. Only men from the Kolhi Dalit caste are allowed to enter. They are not allowed in teashops for muslims and upper caste hindus, because these are afraid of getting polluted by the mere…

Shri Yelluma is 25 years old. When she was 9 years old she was given as a gift to the goddess yelluma and became a devdasi, servant of the god. In reality she was kept as a prostitute for the priests in the temple and the local landlords. When she…

Gomati Nepali is 29 years old. She belongs to the Badi community in Western Nepal and works as a prostitute in the village Mura. She has three children with one customer that she thought would marry her. When she asked him to marry her he left for…

On the outskirts of the slum in Madurai, India, a man is milking his cow. But he cannot sell the milk to the caste people. They consider the milk unclean because it comes from a cow belonging to an untouchable and because an untouchable handled it. A…

An outcaste taking care of a cremation in Chennai, India. Only outcastes do this job because it is considered to be extremely unclean. He gets no salary and is depending on getting some money from the dead persons family. En kasteløs holder øje med…

Krishnavenis work is to take care of unknown dead bodies found along the streets or in the hospital in Pondicherry, India. Her 14-year old son Shankar (in the bed) helps her burying the bodies. Krishnaveni is raising her three sons alone and she…

Krishnaveni lives in pondicherry in Tamil Nadu, India with her two sons. Her job is to collect unknown dead bodies around the city. She has taken over this occupation from her husband who died from drinking. Her 16-year old son shankar helps her.…

Untouchables preparing a body for cremation in Bihar India. Handling bodies is considered unclean and a job for dalits only. The barber is also a dalit, since hair is unclean too.

36-year old Vilas Goekwad is sewageworker in Bombay, India. He is lowered down into the pipe to clean it with his bare hands. His feets and legs are bare and he doesn´t wear any protectiongear. Cleaning sewers is a job for untouchables only.

The dalits in Dhaka, Bangladesh, lives in colonys around the city segregated from the rest of the society. In the colony of Ganaktuli a family argument takes place in public. People are living very closely and private life is difficult.