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Reassurance for a frightened woman patient during a 4,00 a.m. call out.

Dr. Everington examines the ear of a Bangladeshi lady.

A mother carries her dead baby to a burial ground.

a man steals food from a crippled and starving child as he leaves a food distribution center.

A starving boy stares at the camera in a feeding center.

The family has a long prayer before supper.

one of Kirsten's jobs is to make sure all the horses are fed.

The children can find the smallest things amusing. Shavings from working on the wagon provide 20 minutes of play for Eli, the youngest child.

After getting the tea and Graham crackers ready, Jack waits for his uncle to be driven in from Harrison, Arkansas.

Jack is 60 + and living in Gilbert Arkansas (population 43) and has Down syndrome. It is unusual for anyone with Down syndrome to live this long. Jack, who lives with his mother, has developed his own language. Most of the folks in town have…