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Hot tea on an ice floe breaks the chill of early April on the Bering Sea. Out since dawn in the snow, Yupik Eskimos from the west coast of Alaska hunt seals to feed their families.

A Team and Wagon leads the procession in Harvey Walking Eagle's funeral. Harvey was killed when he intervened in a squabble that involved his sons, saying 'shoot me, not my boys,'

The walls of Peter Swift Hawk's home reflect the growing militancy and pride of the times.

Noah and Emily Kills in Sight were perhaps my closest friends in Spring Creek. The sadness in their expressions became for me a metaphor of what happened to the Indian people.

Sherry Makes Room for Them gives Rocky a bath.

Morris kills in Sight , Glenford Walking Eagle, Ambrose, Sylvan and Daniel White Hat called themselves 'Wilila Wakpa Wiconkini' - Lakota for 'Spring Creek Re-awakening.'

Saturday afternoon in Spring Creek, Kenny Kills in Sight, Wendell White Eyes, 'Yogi Bear' Left Hand Bull, Rafael Kills in Sight, and Brian Left Hand Bull.

Gordon Swift Hawk decorated his motorcycle with Red Power stickers.

Victor makes Room for Them, deer hunting along the Little White river.

Sewel makes room for Them died of cardiac arrest due to drinking when he was 25 years old.