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To the beat of the meringue, the Valerios celebrate the first birthday of their daughter, Ashley, in the grand style that is the Dominican custom. 'I am so happy, ' says Jorge, dancing the toddler around the floor.

Before his surgery, Agostine Carloni asks for 'Father Jerry.' The priest delivers the sacrament of the sick, hears Carloni's confession, and says that faith will pull him through.

The Raskin children light their menorahs. After saying the Hanukkah prayers, they feast on lasagna and recount the great Judith's slaying of Holofernes, which saved the Jews.

'Out here,' says Guy Box, 'you know they're debating a bill, but you don't know which one.' Box and his partner monitor the chamber doors, they let state reps through ad keep everyone else out.

Talie Roselli and her best friend are having a sleepover. They dance to RuPaul, then slide onto the floor to consult the Ouija board about love.

Pawtucket Probate Jude Cristine McBurney learns of a possibly unfit guardian. 'Let me tell you,' says her clerk, 'she doesn't let anybody get away with anything.'

It is the holy day of Eid, and Ramadan, the month of fasting, is over. Seven-year-old Amber Iqbal worships in the mosque. She wears her newest clothes, the color of rubies, sent by her auntie from Pakistan.

The descendants of Vincenza Tocci have gathered for the Feast of St. Mary. When someone starts the tarantella, Ellie Piccolantonio is coaxed to the floor to dance.

Ersie Johnson works in his church's soup kitchen, where every Tuesday his family has dinner. The job is a form of penance, 'For knocking over tombstones,' he says.

On the Thursday before Palm Sunday, the St. Joseph's Men's Guild meets at the Immaculate Conception Church to chop the palms. On the holy day, the men will distribute these symbols of peace.